Looking for motivated personal to train as a break in and entry position, experience not mandatory, but technical ability is a must, handle physical labor, driving license and a vehicle, great opportunity to learn a trade
Job Type: Full-time - must be willing to work on evening, night, weekends and holidays.
Salary: $25,000.00 to $35,000.00 /year
Looking for experienced ignition locksmith for our busy roadside assistance devision, person to handle ignition rekeys, cutting car keys, car key programming, ignition changes, lockouts, etc.
Job Type: Full-time - must be willing to work on evening, night, weekends and holidays.
Salary commensurate with experience
Experience: 2 year (Required)
At Okey DoKey Locksmith, we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and we are committed to create a diverse working environment. All qualified applicants will be considered for employment regardless of race, religion, national origin, color, gender, gender, sexual orientation disability or age.
To apply to one of the positions above please copy and paste your resume and send it to us using our contact us page.
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